Synonyms for blaze away

Synonyms for (verb) blaze away

Synonyms: blaze away

Definition: speak with fire and passion

Usage: He blazed away at his opponents in the Senate

Similar words: address, speak

Definition: give a speech to

Usage: The chairman addressed the board of trustees

Synonyms: blaze, blaze away

Definition: shoot rapidly and repeatedly

Usage: He blazed away at the men

Similar words: blast, shoot

Definition: fire a shot

Usage: the gunman blasted away

Synonyms: blaze away

Definition: perform (an acting passage) brilliantly and rapidly

Usage: Mr. Jones blazed away in one passage after another to loud applause

Similar words: do, perform, execute

Definition: carry out or perform an action

Usage: John did the painting, the weeding, and he cleaned out the gutters; the skater executed a triple pirouette; she did a little dance

Visual thesaurus for blaze away